Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dark Fashion NYC: Dos and Don'ts

If you are like me, you like to dress like a local whenever you visit a new place. If you are planning to visit New York City, where I live, you should just come with an empty suitcase, because the shopping here is pretty awesome. But seriously, here are my Dos and Don'ts for wearing dark fashion in NYC.

DO: Wear black, and only black

It kind of sucks wearing dark fashion in NYC, because literally the entire city wears black all the time. If not all black, then neutrals. If I see anyone in color, it's usually a tourist. The city is dirty and anything that isn't black turns black soon lol.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

My tips for dressing for a corporate interview

Hooray! I just got hired. The past ten years I've worked at the Big 5 book publishers, which is a bit on the conservative side style-wise. There's over a hundred years of tradition at these companies and they were every stereotype of Old New York book publishing. It's not that I couldn't dress goth at my job, but I did have to be more couture than punk rock, if you know what I mean. I wrote a good post on dressing this way some time ago, if you are in a similar work situation and don't want to go full corporate (I never will): 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Shop With Me: Killstar Vampire Looks

Happy Valentines Day! I'd wanted to upload this post sooner, but I had to get that Nazi bs out of the way and reschedule this post for today.

My Shop With Me series continues in video format this time! I've been uploading YouTube videos for some time, but while some things work well in blog format (most things), other content is suited better for video. Hanging out with me while I scroll through a website is one of those things!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019