I'm deciding to forgo my vow of only wearing pincers in my septum (pierced earlier this year) and saw these vaguely ethnic Tawapa septum clickers on sale at various sites:
I'm categorizing this as "cool, but not for me," especially when I saw that some of these were almost TWO INCHES long. What would that even look like?
from the tawapa tumblr |
Septum piercings are kind of the least-wearable piercings, imo. It's in-your-face and definitely distracting. I notice that when I'm wearing the big 1/2" pincers, people's eyes start drifting down to it. I stopped wearing the large size at the office. For these REALLY large ones you kind of have to have an entire look that goes with it, otherwise it stands out way too much, like you're wearing a funny hat. The woman above has the matching earrings and necklace to balance out the septum piercing so it isn't overpowering. Likewise:
from the bodyartforms.com gallery photo |
I am so disappointed with this item. I was dubious before ordering as it looked so large but was reassured by the customer photo. The item looked quite pretty in the baggie but having taken it out and put it into my septum I have realised it looks absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't look anything like the previous customer photo on me as my nose is a different shape, the ring is huge and despite being 14g it wabbles about in my 14g hole, I will never wear it as it looks so ludicrous, I wish I hadn't wasted so much money on it.A more goth look with the large vaguely ethnic-looking septum:
tumblr lost the original credit, of course. no idea who she is. LOVE IT though. |
How big can we go with these giant septum piercings? Here's a few editorials. Obviously unwearable promo shoots. Most of these are hoop earrings worn through a septum piercing (not the Givenchy one):
tawapa |
Givenchy. intended as a septum ring, but not actually for pierced septums. |
tawapa, i love this look btw. Later edit: Ok I bought one: |
Definitely a more extreme style. I wouldn't recommend this unless you've got a complete look to go with it. Also, ethnic or vaguely-ethnic looks can subject you to the whole cultural appropriation ridicule. Please be respectful.
In other news, apologies for the light posting lately. I should be back to posting regularly around mid-December.