Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cut-out Boots

Short post today. Just want to announce that I have no summer shoes and I want these cut-out boots by K.T.Z. From Solestruck: London based high end punk brand K.T.Z. knows how to do S/M style right. Their harness boot is both hard and dreamy. Slight platform, wide leather straps and heavy silver hardware. 1 1/4" heel and 1" platform. Leather upper and lining, man made sole.

It's like the perfect shoe for summer...covers your feet (cause I live in NYC and there's garbage everywhere). It's flat (cause I walk everywhere). Goes with all sorts of styles. And these are like the closest you can get to combat boots without wearing combat boots.

$460 dollars, though. I'm going to probably pass. Especially for a shoe I can't even try on. I rarely order shoes online. I'll pay that much for quality... Think about it... if you wear this shoe for 90 days this year (the summer) it's $5 a wear. If you wear this for two summers, it's $2.50 a wear. Since I don't have a car, I walk to get around...I'd have gladly paid $5 to wear comfortable shoes every time I wore shitty summer sandals or whatever. And I currently don't own a pair of summer shoes. My only summer shoes are the ones in the bottom left...I got those at Claires (claires!!!!)... 5 years ago. the soles are literally pressed paper...and the paper is looking ragged. I also have a pair of Old Navy flip flops too. Trust me...I'm long overdue for some summer shoes. That's my goal for the next few months. As much as the old me disagrees, I can't wear combat boots in the summer anymore! or those crappy sandals.

Do you work some king of mind magic on yourself to justify expensive purchases? Tips for buying shoes online?