Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Red + Black Week: Baby Bats

baby bat
left, not baby bat. right, baby bat.

Anyone reminded of baby bats when they see the red+black color combination? I think we've got the same thing as itas and black-and-white lolitas. (Now go read FYeahLolita's legendary post on the topic)

I think red+black is dangerously close "ita" or baby bat territory for the same reasons: red, like white, contrasts greatly with black, highlighting design flaws and exaggerating anything "trendy." So it can look very dated once something is out of style: see bondage pants.  To a lesser extent than white, red exaggerates bad fabric and cheap lace/satin, so cheap red items can be instant baby-bat gear.

Suggestions on not being a baby bat for red+black patterns

  1. Red leather always looks great. Aim for the real thing...if you're vegan, you're better off with small pleather pieces or just buy black-only.
  2. If you don't have a lot of money, get cheap velvet looks like expensive velvet, pretty much. Velvet hides bad design pretty well.
  3. Stay away from red straight-type designs on black t-shirts...this will never NOT be baby bat.
  4. baby bats tend to overdo it, and the contrasting red+black just multiplies this, so you've got an exponential increase in EXTREME. So when you get red+black corset stitching, D-rings, rivets, hangy strappy things
  5. Spend the extra money on quality red statement pieces and buy cheap black items to go with it. The color black hides cheap fabric, bad design, bad lace, bad fit, bad everything. 

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