Saturday, April 26, 2014

Recent Likes (tumblr edition)

Love the strappy look. Kind of a more wearable take on the harness trend. Also, I like the long exposure time...makes sheer fabric look even sheerer. It's a cool note for later when I actually get around to doing another outfit post one of these days.

Honestly, I am SO VERY OVER Japanese street fashion. I like this one for some reason. Shoes and sweater and hair and the inner eyebrow tuft thing that people have been doing now for some time. for some reason.

Love it. I updated my Cape post to include this picture. Love the makeup too. And that it is in a graveyard but isn't one of those goth-in-a-graveyard posts we've seen a thousand times.

Guess I'm liking sheer stuff these days.  

The lamest thing I've ever seen. Since making my 2014 trend predictions, I've been flagging instances of my predictions coming true. Here's one of them: the fake piercing. This was at a Lacoste (FACEPALM) Cochella (FACEPALM) party. Kill the rich.
Fall goal purchase: realistic leaf earrings.

Everyone's making clothing out of that scuba gear fabric because of photorealistic printing qualities that are possible with the fabric. I like the current trend of photo-with-fabric-pattern, but not a fan of the fabric. Maybe I don't need an umbrella then?

leaf earrings with this and I'm a forest fae for fall. Maybe a mori girl will wear it with her frumpy frocks. 

More high-end scuba gear. I do like this though. Reminds me of '30s trompe l'oeil dresses.

From THIS season's Alice Auaa (Japan's most popular Goth brands). My sister designed this exact dress for Hot Topic five years ago. FIVE years ago. Honestly, except for maybe Gyaru, Japanese fashion is very dead to me. No innovation. 

Oh, Polyvore Gore, you never, ever disappoint me.

The ONLY acceptable way to style sheer pants. She needs an award for this. She looks like she knows it too. She won fashion week, imo.

Photos like these are why I like nu-goth. No elaborate photoshoots at the abandoned hospital with IN YOUR FACE everything, trying-too-hard expensive Brand clothes. Just some cool stuff you wear every day, a necklace on your head, and the inner darkness of your soul. 


Also, in other news, I'm writing fiction again. I know some of you are also writers. Just wanted to let you know that I'm on Critique Circle with the username Mswolcott. It's an online critique group...probably my favorite one. Maybe you are on it...drop a line and we could be friends there too.