Friday, July 11, 2014

Makeup: film noir + eyebrow masking

 Just a bit of fooling around with makeup and photoshop. I decided to do a film-noir look despite not having the hair for it. What makes it noir is the super thin eyebrows of course, the dark lips, and bringing in the eyeshadow into the bridge of your nose. I used brown eyeshadow (as supposed to) but i think black would have been better. More dramatic. Used white pencil on the bottom rim. Also, wrong decade and wrong style, but I decided to make a flapper crown out of a necklace chain and brooch I had.

I masked out half of my eyebrow using the old gluestick and concealer trick. If you aren't familiar with it, it's exactly as it sounds. You just rub a gluestick really hard onto your eyebrow and then put a really opaque concealer over it. Don't waste your money on pro eyebrow masking products, all professional makeup artists use a gluestick. The photoshopping done above makes it look like I've shaved that half completely off, but even without photoshopping, it still looks pretty good.

To illustrate the point, here's a picture of my work at a makeup class I took some time ago. This girl had thick eyebrows that weren't suitable for the cyber look I wanted. On the right (kind of cropped off) you can see the big load of FAIL that the pro eyebrow masking product was. I don't remember the brand, but it cost a small fortune. On the finished eye, you can see the gluestick masking with drugstore makeup on top. If I had better makeup, it would be hidden completely. But for a smoky club, it's good enough. Gluestick wins by a long shot

Do any of you mask your eyebrows or do you shave/pluck them off?